Glowing skin doesn’t always have to come from an expensive little jar. Some of the same foods that you eat to stay healthy on the inside can keep you healthy on the outside!. The next time you plan a spa day, raid your refrigerator for these delicious DIY face mask ingredients.

4 Face Mask Recipes Made Straight From the Kitchen!

1) Yogurt

Its probiotics can make your belly happy, and its lactic acid can make your skin silky. Mix one tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil with four tablespoons of plain organic yogurt and slather it on your face. Let it rest for 30 minutes (we recommend using this time for some light abs work or restorative meditation), then rinse. Lactic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that helps dissolve dead skin cells, revealing fresh skin with less noticeable wrinkles. The olive oil will moisturize at the same time. It’s luxuriously lovely!

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2) Honey

A natural product that can help fight acne and blemishes? Sweet, indeed. Honey—in particular, Manuka honey, has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Mix two tablespoons honey with equal parts coconut oil for a face mask to purify and soothe. Pro tip: Put the coconut oil in a microwave-face maskssafe bowl and heat it for a few seconds to make it spreadable. You can do the same with the honey if it’s too hard to smear. Leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with a warm washcloth.

4) Baking Soda

It can do so much more than freshen your fridge! Baking soda is an excellent exfoliant. Simply stir together one tablespoon cool water and one-and-a-half tablespoons baking soda and spread it over your skin. Rinse after five minutes if your skin is dry; 10 minutes if your skin is oily. Follow with a gentle moisturizer

5) Avocado

This is one of our favorite foods—all those delicious and nutritious monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals! Avocado also can deliver some amazing moisture to your skin. Simply mash a ripe fruit and spread it on your face; include the backs of your hands if they’re extra dry. Allow the oils to penetrate for 15 minutes, then rinse. While you’re at it, you may want to chop a second avocado for a tasty salad topper to do your body good inside and out.

A word of caution: If you have allergies to these foods, don’t use them on your skin, either.

The next time you want to preserve that fresh-from-the-gym glow, head to the kitchen and give these handy ingredients a “go.” DIY face masks give a whole new meaning to natural beauty!

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