teamTRAINING sessions are small group workouts led by a teamTRAINING coach. Regardless of your fitness level, our teamTRAINING program has something for everyone, with more flexibility, and a robust schedule of heart pumping workouts to help you perform better.

  • High energy, effective fitness programming built around team synergy 
  • Real time results tracking with Myzone technology
  • Offered at 30- and 50-minutes, attend the session that works best for you each week
  • Our Coaches develop a program that will meet the needs of all bodies and fitness levels 
  • The accountability you’ve been looking for to achieve your fitness goals


Join us for a teamTRAINING experience with our personal trainers leading you and up to 8 other participants through a heart pumping team workout. Trainers will use your Myzone technology to help guide you through the workout experience and gauge your intensity! If you are looking to break the monotony of the same old workout routines and want to kick it up a notch, this teamTRAINING is for you! Sessions are drop-in format and on a first come, first service basis. TeamTRAINING is open to all abilities, no matter your club membership, for as little as $23 a session. 

SIGNATURE teamTRAINING: Get started today with no prior experience needed.

Challenge yourself through strength training intervals and high intensity cardio drills all while receiving personal attention from our coaches. Full of motivation and support, you’ll work every muscle and find your strength.  

Unleash your endurance as our coaches lead you through treadmill intervals paired with strength and conditioning circuits. It’s a full body workout leaving you feeling sweaty and accomplished. 

Specialty teamTRAINING Sessions

An intense full body workout, this class incorporates drills to build power and strength, as well as cardio intervals. Learn boxing techniques and progress into more intense workouts each week. 

Training for an upcoming race or just want to better familiarize yourself with running? Using cardio drills and strength training, we will dial in your running form and build strength for better performance. Available for all levels of fitness.

teamSTRENGTH focuses on larger strength movements, incorporating the barbell and advanced technique work to enhance mind-muscle connection for injury prevention. This format also uses a variety of accessory exercises to support the compound movement and further develop overall mental and physical strength.

Gain control and stability using TRX suspension trainers. Our coaches guide you through bodyweight exercise to develop strength, balance, flexibility and core stability, while you control how much you want to challenge yourself with each exercise. 

Create Your Own teamTRAINING Group

Create Your Own Group
Interested in creating your own teamTRAINING group amongst friends, co-workers, family members, bridal party, obstacle adventure or even kids, email us today at to learn more about your options!


Please click here to sign up for any of the teamTRAINING sessions offered below. If you have never tried teamTRAINING before, please fill out the form below.  

Using a Myzone belt with teamTRAINING?

What is our facility code?

Back Bay: HWKUS001

Cambridge: HWKUS004

Coolidge Corner: HWKUS005

How do I set up my belt?

The belt setup is quite simple; instructions are included on the box (see picture below for getting started instructions found on the inside of your box). Just download the app or go to and the rest is easy.

What is a MEP?

A MEP, “My Effort Point”, is how Myzone measures your effort in each workout. The points associated with each zone are listed below. The points you receive are directly correlated to your heart rate (HR). On strength days, you will earn fewer points, since you will likely not be entering into the yellow/red zones because your heart rate will not be as high as a cardiovascular or high-intensity day, but that’s OK and very important to help you reach your fitness goals. It is important that you have a good balance in your workout routine that incorporates of different types of workouts each week!

How do I know my belt is on and registering my heart rate?

The receiver on the belt will beep once when it is registering your heart rate. You can also look in your Myzone app under workout to be sure your HR is being detected.

How long should I leave my belt on after I finish my workout to capture after burn?

Myzone calorie burn is most accurate for intensities over 50% of max hr. You can leave your heart rate monitor on until your HR drops below 50%. At this time you should take it off.

Can I wear my belt in the shower to capture after burn?

The short answer is yes: the Myzone receiver is waterproof (but not swimmable). However, calorie burn is most accurate for intensities over 50% of max hr. You can leave your heart rate monitor on until your HR drops below 50%. At this time you should take it off.

After my workout is done, how do I complete my workout for the Myzone app to register my workout?

Disconnect your belt by simply removing the belt from your body. After the belt can no longer detect your heartbeat, it will beep 3 times, signifying that the belt has disconnected. At that point, your workout will be registered as ended. Your belt may beep on/off after you have taken it off. It is just trying to detect your HR and will eventually stop.

What is a My Effort Point (MEP)?

A Myzone Effort Point (MEP) is how Myzone measures your effort in each workout. The points associated with each zone are listed below. The points you receive are directly correlated to your heart rate (HR). On strength days, you will earn fewer points, since you will likely not be entering into the yellow/red zones because your heart rate will not be as high as a cardiovascular or high-intensity day, but that’s OK and very important to help you reach your fitness goals. It is important that you have a good balance in your workout routine that incorporates of different types of workouts each week! 

My belt is not beeping on... how do I troubleshoot?

  1. Sometimes your belt needs to be a little damp to better detect the electrical current that helps pick up your heartbeat. A good, standard practice is too wet your belt a little bit before wearing. 
  2. Make sure your belt/receiver is not upside down when you put it on (someone should be able to read the “Myzone” word when looking at you on your belt and your receiver) 
  3. Shift the belt/receiver to the left so it is closer to your heart 
  4. Make sure your belt is charged 

I used my Myzone belt outside of the club, and I didn’t have my phone with me. As far as I know, I was connected (my belt beeped once went I put it on), but my workout isn’t uploading to the app. Why?

When you are using your belt for a workout outside of the club, and you do not have your phone with you, your workout data stores to your Myzone receiver (the piece you clip into the belt). The data will upload to your app as soon as you are connected to a strong wifi network. If you disconnect from your belt prior to connecting to wifi, your workout data will remain stored in your belt and will upload to the app the next time you are connected and on a strong wifi network. If you want your workout to upload immediately, keep your belt on after your workout until you connect to wifi, and then check to see if your workout data has uploaded. 

My workout was slow to upload to the app. Is this normal?

The speed of the upload depends upon the speed of the internet connection.

How much more accurate is Myzone product than other products out there (i.e fitbit, polar etc.)

MYZONE is over 99% accurate, as compared with an accurate EKG machine. MyZone offers the Switch which can be worn at the chest, arm, or on the wrist for better results depending on the workout you are doing. 

What is the formula used to calculate HRmax for Myzone?

Max HR = 211 – (0.64 x age) as currently on Myzone website  

Ready to purchase your Myzone Switch, click here. 

Do you sell belt straps in different sizes?

Yes, ask your Fitness Director for help! 

Is there a way to see what Myzone has calculated as my max heart rate? Is there a way to see my particular HR zones?

Yes, in your app, go to settings|MY ZONES. This will show you what max HR is listed at, and what your zone ranges are.

I hit the yellow/red zones, even when I do not feel like I’m working very hard. Is my max heart rate is set too low?

Myzone uses smart technology to monitor your workout data and adjusts your max heart rate depending on your performance. If the Myzone system observes you maintaining a heart rate higher than your current set max heart rate, it will automatically adjust your max heart rate. This means that your effort zones will be adjusted accordingly so you can obtain the most accurate results for future workouts.

How does Myzone calculate resting heart rate?

Myzone records lowest heart rate picked up while you are wearing it. If you want to use it to take a resting heart rate est, put the belt on in the morning before you get out of bed, leave it on for 10 minutes while resting and it will record that as lowest heart rate, a.k.a. resting HR

Is there a way to follow my friends?

Yes, go to CONNECTIONS on the MYZONE app and search for your friend. You can then follow your friends’ workouts via the home screen.

What if I am connected with someone, but I don't want them to see my workouts? Can I have different permissions for different connections?

Yes, open the MYZONE app, click on the settings button in the top left-hand corner, and click on permissions. From here, you can set different permissions for each of your connections.

Can I turn the sound on and off on the app?

Yes, click on the settings button and click on sounds to set sounds options.

What do the different status levels mean?

There are 5 Myzone status levels. You will get IRON once you earn 1300 MEPS in 1 month. To view your Myzone status level click on the settings button, click on Myzone Status.

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