It’s easy to pick the season’s most popular shoe off the shelf and call it quits. But, not so fast! While a shoe might look flashy and come in your favorite autumnal color, that doesn’t mean it’s the best fit for your workout. Whether you heat up chilly fall days by stepping into the exercise studio or by putting on an extra layer and head outdoors, what’s on your foot when you work out matters. Proper footwear, even if that means wearing no shoes in some cases, can improve your form and elevate your efforts.
The Season’s Hottest Shoe is the One that Fits Your Fit this Fall!
Spring into Fall with Cross-training.
Volleyball shoes are a good match for most studio classes, cardio equipment workouts and any cross-training. The soles are designed with traction and cushioning on wood floors and other firm surfaces. In addition, volleyball shoes are structured to provide support when you move forward, backward and laterally. If you even think you might be interested in plyometric movements, you can approach jumping and quick starts and stops confidently in volleyball shoes. That’s what they are made for!
A Chill in the Air Means Cool Running.
Your best bet for finding the perfect running shoe this fall is to trot down to your local running store. An expert can watch your form and recommend a shoe. You might find you are a natural forefoot/mid-forefoot striker and can consider minimalist shoes. You might be told you need a shoe to correct for over-pronation or supination. If you like to run trails, ask for a trail shoe that provides the firm sole and traction you need. If you envision lots of runs through mucky leaves, ask for a shoe with some water resistance. Days are shorter this time of year, which means you might be running before sunrise or after sunset. Choose a shoe with bright trim to make you more visible during pre-dawn and post-dusk runs.
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Pedal Away those Shorter Days:
People who regularly cycle will tell you a decent cleat will change your ride. When foul fall weather pushes you to ride indoors, try using mountain bike cleats. They are soft on the top, making them more breathable than leather counterparts. They also look more like a regular sneaker. The sole of a mountain bike shoe is stiff enough to enhance your pedal stroke and reduce foot fatigue. In addition, mountain bike cleats are easier to walk in than road bike cleats since they have recessed hardware. Mountain bikers often have to dismount to get through rough terrain. So, the rubber soles have decent traction and can get you from the locker room up to your cycle without any drama. Make sure the clips on your chosen shoes comply with the clips on your favorite indoor bike pedals. They will either be SPD (two holed) or Delta (three holes). If you are unsure, ask a Healthworks employee.
Whatever your workout, there’s a good fit out there for you!