This month’s fitness challenge at Healthworks is focusing on how many rope jumps you can do in a particular amount of time.
There’s a reason so many martial artists include this style of training as part of their workout regimes – it’s fun, and it’s a serious workout!
Jumping rope is a fantastic way to improve your fitness levels and heart health. The strenuous nature of the exercise means you’ll be working very hard, so it will help with weight loss goals too.
Not only can this full body exercise improve muscle tone in both the upper and lower body, but if you include jumping rope as a regular feature in your training, over time you will develop better coordination and agility skills.
When performed correctly, skipping has a lower impact on the joints than some other popular forms of cardiovascular exercise, making it a great option for many people! However, the low impact benefits only apply when the exercise is performed correctly. Not sure how?
Read On to Find Out How to Perform a Perfect Jump Roping Hop:
Use the correct rope length. Bisect the rope by putting it under the arches of your feet. Handles should reach your sternum. As the jump rope completes a revolution, you should hear it tap the ground–which also makes it easier to count!
- Start by holding the jump rope in front of you with your hands together and your elbows close to your body (a nice relaxed, loose grip!)
- Use your hands and wrists to swing the rope over your head.
- As the rope approaches the floor jump ¼ – ½ inch off of the ground landing softly on the balls of your feet (your heels should never touch the floor….HELLO calf muscles!)
- Complete as many consecutive revolutions as possible with good form.
Record your total number of jump roping revolutions and place it in the raffle box in your club. Our team will update the top 10 performers weekly!
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