The most influential women of fitness are no strangers to people asking about their daily healthy habits. What they eat, how they work out, how they recover–seemingly small details that when added up over time can make a big difference.
But for a slightly more intimate look at what your favorite (or soon-to-be-favorite) fitness gals do in their daily lives, be sure to check out the trending #whatsinmybag handle (or, to get a little more specific, try #whatsinmygymbag). After all, other than a diary or a cell phone, there may be nothing more personal to a woman than the contents of her purse…or gym bag. Plus, taking a peek inside these ladies’ packs may give you some great ideas on how to custom create your perfect grab-and-go gym toolbox, too, so you’ll always be prepared for that next great workout.
#whatsinmybag: 4 Inspirational Women & What They Carry in Their Gym Bags
1) Tally Rye, @tallyrye (61,000 followers on Instagram)
In her bag: water bottle, towel, music, protein yogurt snack, 1 pair of barbell clips, hairbrush, hair bands, and deodorant
This UK-blogger, YouTuber, and personal trainer is also co-founder of an online community known as #GirlGains that promotes education, empowerment, and healthy inspiration of women all over the globe.
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2) KatrinKatrin Davidsdottir, @katrintanja (865,000 followers on Instagram)
In her bag: weightlifting equipment (shoes/sleeves/wrist wraps/tape), speed jump rope, clean clothes, Slingshot exercise band, Complex electric muscle stimulator, supplements, lip balm, gum
2-time female champ of the esteemed Reebok CrossFit Games, Icelandic Katrin is a serious competitor who is Katrin is a serious competitor who is definitely stronger than your boyfriend–but she’ll kick anyone’s butt with a smile.
3) Katrina Scott, @toneitup (1.2 million followers on Instagram)
In her bag: sea salt spray, sunscreen, protein supplement, headphones, extra pair of socks
Along with her gal pal Karena, Katrina runs the immensely popular fitness community and multi-million dollar brand known as @toneitup that offers everything you need to stay inspired.
4) Alice Liveing, @clean_eating_alice (578,000 followers on Instagram)
In her bag: sports bra, running sneakers, water bottle, Kombucha, essential fatty acid supplement
Personal trainer-turned-bestselling author Alice shares her experiences and insights gained through her own transition from junk food couch lover to active health expert.
Have a fave female fitness follow on Instagram or other social media platform? Let us know about it by sharing her handle in the comments below!